PC C Computer Taking care of your home and business IT needs since 1988.
Virus and Malware removal
New replacements, repair work, hardware
& OS upgrades, no machine problem to great.
Networking, WiFi, Surveillance cams, Web sites, what ever you need we got you covered...
As a hardware technician since 1988 there are no problems I have not encountered.
Have a tough problem? Bounce it off me I can come up with a resolution to it.
Have an idea for a web site? Let me handle the hard part.
Machine installs to network setup and installs. I got you covered.
I am an Honors graduate with an Associates Degree Equivalent
in Electronics Engineering Technologies in 1988. That is what computers were called back then.
A Deans List student in the Microsoft Networking Specialist Certification program completed at Jackson College in 2005.
I have work with operating system from the early days of DOS thru Windows 11. A number of programming languages as well as Windows Server. I do not work on MAC's.
Decades of experience!
Your business need a technician but can not afford a full time staff technician? Call me. I can come in once a week, month or a often as you need.
I can assess you problem and issues and determine the best option to do what you need at the cheapest cost.
Being a sole owner-operator I have a much lower overhead so I can keep prices lower than the box stores. Giving you better equipment for the same money of less.
We can get what ever hardware you need. Monitors, Computers, Laptops, External Hard Drives, what your project requires.
Here are a list of common questions.
Consumer Report says never buy a new computer. Factory refurbished is just as good and usually hundreds of dollars cheaper.
But that is your choice if you want new we can get you new.
In most cases no. Most machines will run as fast as the service you have will let it. Check you Internet Mega Bits per second spreed, machine hardware and network hardware to see what they are running at.
CK Barrymores Hoyt, Flynn, and Company PLLC National Transportation Associates LLC
Contact us!
We will respond quickly as possible. Leave us a little note of what you need or questions you may have. Answers are always free.